Now that I am a mother, I understand.
I understand why my mother would pray for me to become a mom, even when I declared I never wanted children. I understand the looks of longing and knowing smiles from mothers who seemed to feel something I couldn’t yet comprehend. At the time, I thought it was pity. I thought they were imposing societal expectations on me, standards I didn’t believe applied to my life.
Now that I am a mother, I see it wasn’t pity at all. It was something deeper. They knew. They knew I was missing out on a love so immense, so life-changing, that words couldn’t do it justice.
Now that I am a mother, I understand that being a mom isn’t about sacrifice; it’s about expansion. My heart, my perspective, and my capacity for love have all grown in ways I never imagined possible.
Motherhood has shown me the strength I didn’t know I had, the patience I didn’t know I could muster, and the joy I didn’t know I was capable of feeling. I look at my child and feel love not just for them, but for everything and everyone that surrounds them. It’s as if the world has been painted in brighter, bolder colors, all because of them.
Now that I am a mother, I see that we are more than women who bring life into the world—we are the world to the lives we bring forth.
We grow entire universes within us. Our wombs are sacred spaces that hold power beyond comprehension until we become mothers ourselves. From the moment of conception to birth and beyond, we persist. We overcome. We rise above what the world tells us we can do.
We do it all:
It’s messy. It’s complex. It’s breathtaking. And at the center of it all is this universe we’ve created—one that looks up at us and says, “I love you, Mom.”
Motherhood isn’t always easy, and on the days that feel harder than normal, it’s important to remind yourself of your strength, your worth, and the incredible work you’re doing. Here are some mantras to say to yourself when you need a little extra love and encouragement:
✨ Pro Tip: Write your favorite mantras on sticky notes and place them where you’ll see them often—like your bathroom mirror, fridge, or nightstand.
Today (and every day), we celebrate you—your strength, your resilience, and your love.
Motherhood isn’t always easy. It wasn’t designed to be. But it is sacred. It is beautiful. It is a gift that transforms us, challenges us, and reminds us of what we’re capable of.
Soak up every stage:
This is your journey. This is your story. This is the gift of motherhood.
From one mom to another: Happy Mother’s Day, Happy Valentine’s Day, Happy You Day. Whatever today is, it’s for you. 💕