From Crib to Bed: Your Guide to Toddler Sleep Transitions

Is your toddler ready for a bed? Check out our crib to bed transition guide.

As your baby grows and develops, you may start to wonder when it's time to transition them from a crib to a bed. While there is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, there are a few signs that may indicate your child is ready for a bed.

Signs your toddler is ready for a bed

Your toddler has outgrown the size of their crib

If your toddler is starting to climb out of their crib or is too tall for the crib, it may be time to consider transitioning to a bed.

Your toddler is showing interest in a bed

If your toddler is showing an interest in sleeping in a bed, or if they are asking to sleep in a "big kid bed," this may be a sign that they are ready for a transition.

Your toddler is able to sleep through the night

If your toddler is consistently sleeping through the night and is not waking up due to discomfort or other issues, this may be a good indication that they are ready for a bed.

Your child is old enough

The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends keeping infants and toddlers in a crib until they are at least 2 years old. After this age, it may be appropriate to consider transitioning to a bed. Most kids are ready for a bed by the time they turn 3.

Now how to actually do the transition from a crib to a bed

When transitioning to a bed, there are a few things you can do to help the process go smoothly:

Introduce the bed gradually

You can start by placing a mattress on the floor and allowing your child to get used to it, before moving on to a bed with rails. Or even having the crib and bed in the room at the same time (space permitting). Start reading night time stories in the new bed.

Establish a bedtime routine

A consistent bedtime routine can help your child feel more secure and comfortable in their new bed.

Make the bed inviting

Add some cozy blankets and pillows to make the bed feel more welcoming and comfortable.

Secure the room

Make sure the room is baby-proofed if you haven't already. That includes securing dressers and any large furniture and covering outlets.

Involve your toddler in the plan + make it fun

Make the transition fun and develop a plan together.

Be patient

It may take some time for your child to adjust to their new bed. Be patient and understanding as they make the transition.

Don't make the move during other big transitions

Toddlers need predictibility. You will have more success if there are no other big transitions happening. This could be starting a new daycare or school, potty training or a family move.

What about moving toddler out of the crib for the new baby?

Yes! This is also a very common reason to move a toddler to a bed. A few tips:

Make sure your toddler doesn't feel evicted

Some recommend making the transition a few months before the baby arrives, but sometimes this isn't possible. If you are not able to space out the transition, make your toddler feel like the big kid graduating to something new.

Like anything parenting, go with the flow

In conclusion, there are a few signs that may indicate it's time to transition your child from a crib to a bed. These include outgrowing the size of their crib, showing interest in a bed, consistently sleeping through the night, and being old enough. To help the transition go smoothly, you can introduce the bed gradually, establish a bedtime routine, make the bed inviting, and be patient as your child adjusts.
