

We asked 35 moms what they really wanted for Mother's Day

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We asked 35 moms what they really wanted for Mother's Day and we found a recurring theme.

We asked 35 moms what they really wanted for Mother's Day and we found a recurring theme: what moms really want is some much-needed rest, a glass of wine, a deep cleaning of their home, uninterrupted alone time, and the opportunity to spend time with friends.

So instead of spending money on overpriced flowers and cards, why not give your mom the gift of a day off? Jewelry also helps, a new car, and maybe even a trip to the Maldives. Either way, by fulfilling her simple wishes, you can make her happy and show her how much you appreciate all she does for you throughout the year.

  1. Sleep in 😴 🛌 💤
  2. I would get someone to do a deep cleaning of my home
  3. Dinner for 1 where I can eat a warm meal and enjoy it!
  4. Sleep, Spa Massage, Sushi, Vino 💕
  5. A full day with my Husband (alone)
  6. A massage then happy hour with the girls
  7. Go to the beach and actually relax 🏖️
  8. Order breakfast, lunch, & dinner and eat them all IN BED, ALONE and UNINTERRUPTED for an ENTIRE day! Do Not Disturb Mama!! 
  9. Sleep in without interruptions and wake up to breakfast in bed
  10. A longggg walk without feeding or changing interruptions - just wandering and seeing where the day takes me 🌞
  11. Get a new tattoo 🙌
  12. I would take my mom fishing 🎣 ♥️ or maybe just sit at the river in silence 🧘🏼‍♀️
  13. I would go for an early sunrise hike in the mountains and then soak in a hot springs in the sunshine for the rest of the day
  14. Go to an AirBNB or bed and breakfast by myself 😁 enjoy eating food without sharing
  15. Finally get a mani pedi 😭♥️
  16. Go on a walk / exercise by myself.. (without having to worry about finding a sitter or pushing a stroller around)
  17. An outdoor catered family picnic with grandparents who show up right after the meal and take the kids to play while I watch in a seated position from afar. 🤭
  18. Nap! Read! Sun! Repeat!
  19. A day with my best friend
  20. Get a spa massage and facial 😍
  21. Taylor swift concert!!!
  22. Lay out in the sun and hopefully fall asleep in my lounge chair!
  23. Uninterrupted binge-watch session of @bridgertonnetflix on my couch
  24. Go thrift shopping with a friend for an uninterrupted hour of shop therapy and chatting 🤣😭😍 👏
  25. I would go to a winery with girlfriends
  26. I would do my favorite pre-baby activity: get in the car, pick up a matcha, and drive aimlessly (blasting MY choice of music) just to see where I ended up. Recapture a day of adventure. ❤️🔥
  27. MASSAGE! Sun bathe and finish a book! Solo movie!
  28. If I had a day-off then I’d definitely find a hobby, something that was put off, like creating a fairy garden\decorate my personal space.
  29. Take my best friend out and we have a relaxing Mother's day. Haven't seen her in 6 months
  30. Be able to attend a concert with friends.
  31. Crochet or Knit in peace!
  32. I​​’d love to have a night away by myself and come home to a deep cleaned house!
  33. Hike, iced coffee, yoga, hot shower, glass of wine, read a book.
  34. Go to my favorite beach on the island to swim and tan ☀️🐠💦🥥🧉😌
  35. Eat cake and sleep sounds incredible!!

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