
Third Trimester

The Ultimate Hospital Bag Checklist for Mom and Baby

May 29, 2024

Author -

Melissa Iftimie

Ready to pack your hospital bag? As you patiently (or not so patiently) wait for baby’s arrival it’s time to tackle that all-important hospital bag. All the second time moms at Villie share what you really need and what you can leave at home. 

What’s a Hospital or a Go-Bag?

A hospital or go-bag is what you bring to the hospital (or wherever you’re going) to deliver your baby. Technically, the hospital or birth center has everything you need, but let’s get real, you need your own stuff. 

When Should You Pack Your Go-Bag?

Don’t stress out about this, it doesn’t take long to do. But, you’ve gotta be ready. We suggest packing this back when you’ve got about a month left - so let’s say week 36. 

Who Needs a Hospital Bag?

Everyone who is going to the hospital (or coming home!) should have some stuff ready. We’re going to organize our packing checklist by mom, support person and baby. 

What Will the Hospital Have?

Most hospitals will have the basics ready for you. What does that look like?

  • A hospital gown
  • Clean sheets, blankets and pillows for both you and your partner
  • Diapers and wipes
  • A baby blanket (to swaddle)
  • Pads and mesh undies (your new BFFs)
  • Basic toiletries (toothbrush, toothpaste, shampoo, a comb)
  • A snot bulb for baby
  • A hospital grade breast pump and supplementary feeding stuff that you may or may not need (like formula, donor milk and bottles)
  • A water bottle

What Do You Need to Pack?

Let’s start with the few things you must take. 

  • A car seat (if you plan to leave in a car)
  • Your ID
  • Insurance info (if you have)

How Long Should You Plan to Stay?

You should plan to pack stuff for 4 days, but you’ll probably be home sooner than that.

The Hospital Checklist for Mom

What to Wear

While you are in the hospital, they will provide you with a gown. But let’s be honest, you might want something more you. Note that in the hospital you’ll need easy access to your chest to feed your baby and get those precious skin-to-skin cuddles. Here are some items for your consideration:

  • A labor gown
  • Nursing jammies
  • Nursing bra
  • Comfy pants that fit at 6 months pregnant (yeah - you’re not pregnant anymore, but you’ll still have a belly!)
  • Gripper socks, cozy socks or slippers
  • Going home top or outfit

Thing to Feel (Somewhat) Normal

This category helps you to take some normal and some special things you just need after you’ve gone through labor and delivery.

  • Toothbrush
  • Toothpaste
  • Brush
  • Deodorant
  • Shampoo and conditioner
  • Rasor 
  • Mouse/Gel for your hair
  • Bonnet 
  • Hair ties
  • Lip Balm 
  • Glasses, contacts, contact solution
  • Lotion
  • A towel
  • Fave water bottle
  • Extra long charging cable
  • Kindle, iPad
  • Snacks 

Hospital Pack List for Baby

  • Car seat
  • Going home outfit
  • Swaddle (2)
  • Accessories for any newborn photography you are planning

Things to Throw in the Bag Just Cause

Nipple Balm or Nipple Protectors

For many of us, the early days of breastfeeding suck. Be over prepared with lanolin balm and silver nursing cups.

Your Pump 

You’ll have access to a lactation consultant while you are in the hospital. If she doesn’t stop by, ask a nurse about it. You can ask her to help you learn how to use your pump and double check your sizing.

Need help picking out your pump? We've got you.

Alphacord Cord Blood Banking Kit

Cord blood banking can be used today to treat over 80 diseases. If you like to be prepared for any situation, this is a great addition to your hospital bag. Learn more about this cool insurance policy. 

Aromatherapy Oil

Two oils to pack are peppermint oil and lavender oil. You can dab some on a hospital washcloth to transform your room into a spa. Peppermint is useful to wake you up. My nurse even put a few drops in the toilet to help me go! Lavender is the go-to to calm down and chill. Always nice during and after labor. 

Speaker and Your Jams

Grab a bluetooth speaker (make sure you have the charger too). Have your phone ready with two playlists - one to pump you up, and one to calm you down. A pro tip is to download them in case you don’t have access to internet. 

Baby Nail Clippers 

Some babies are born with claws! This nail maintenance isn’t something a nurse will do for you, but it’s always nice to have someone show you how it’s done. Alternatively, you can use the mittens, but you do need to clip or sandown those nails eventually!

Partner or Support Person Hospital Bag Checklist

Don’t forget that everyone needs a bag! In addition to the items above consider…

  • Button down shirt or zip hoodie so he/she can do skin-to-skin too
  • Jammies and comfy clothes
  • Change of undies
  • Socks or slippers
  • A blanket or light-weight sleeping bag
  • Extra long phone charger
  • Login access to your Villie Baby pPage so you can share with everyone updates at once instead of sending 50+ texts. 

Now You Are Ready!

We wish you a happy birth and a healthy baby.

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