
Food & Feeding

Sip into Summer: Refreshing Pineapple Mocktails for Moms-to-Be

June 25, 2024

Author -

Melissa Iftimie

Welcome to our latest mocktail adventure! Today, we're diving into the tropical goodness of pineapple mocktails. These recipes are perfect for expectant moms and our NA friends looking to stay cool and hydrated this summer.

Ready to feel refreshed? Today we've got a real treat for you... some pineapple fun facts to check out while you make one of our favorite pineapple mocktails. Don't know how to cut a pineapple? We've got you covered there too. Let's get to it!

Fun Facts about Pineapple

  • Did you know pineapple is not just delicious but also packed with nutrients? It's rich in vitamin C, which supports immune health—a crucial benefit during pregnancy.
  • Pineapple contains an enzyme called bromelain, known for its potential to aid digestion and reduce inflammation, offering relief during pregnancy.
  • Pineapple is also considered a symbol of fertility due to its abundant seeds and nourishing qualities.
  • Some cultures believe that consuming pineapple can help with conception and even aid in inducing labor.
  • In folklore, pineapple symbolizes warmth, welcome, and hospitality—qualities we embrace at Villie as we support moms through their journey.

Our Favorite Mocktail Recipes

Do you know about mocktails? They are all the rage, and we're thankful they are having a moment. Just because your pregnant shouldn't mean you can't treat yourself to a fancy drink. Try our three favorites at your baby shower, next girls night, or just cause!

Tropical Sunshine Sparkler

  • Ingredients:
    • 1 cup pineapple juice
    • 1/2 cup orange juice
    • 1/4 cup coconut water
    • Sparkling water
    • Ice cubes
  • Instructions:
    1. In a pitcher, combine pineapple juice, orange juice, and coconut water.
    2. Fill glasses with ice cubes and pour the mixture halfway.
    3. Top with sparkling water and gently stir.
    4. Garnish with a pineapple wedge or orange slice. Enjoy the tropical burst!

Pineapple Mint Refresher

  • Ingredients:
    • 1 cup fresh pineapple chunks
    • Juice of 1 lime
    • 1/4 cup fresh mint leaves
    • 2 tbsp honey or agave syrup
    • Sparkling water
    • Ice cubes
  • Instructions:
    1. In a blender, combine pineapple chunks, lime juice, mint leaves, and honey/agave syrup. Blend until smooth.
    2. Strain the mixture into a pitcher to remove any solids.
    3. Fill glasses with ice cubes, pour the pineapple mixture halfway, and top with sparkling water.
    4. Stir gently, garnish with mint leaves, and serve immediately. Refreshing and packed with natural goodness!

Pineapple Ginger Fizz

  • Ingredients:
    • 1 cup pineapple juice
    • 1/2 cup ginger ale (or ginger beer for a stronger kick)
    • Juice of 1 lemon
    • Fresh ginger slices (optional)
    • Ice cubes
  • Instructions:
    1. In a pitcher, combine pineapple juice, ginger ale, and lemon juice.
    2. Add ice cubes to glasses and pour the mocktail mixture.
    3. Garnish with fresh ginger slices for an extra zing.
    4. Stir gently and enjoy the sweet-spicy fusion of flavors!

How the Heck do you Cut a Pineapple? Our Step-by-Step Guide

Prepare Your Workspace

  1. Wash the pineapple thoroughly under cold water.
  2. Place a damp towel or non-slip mat under your cutting board for stability.

Remove the Crown

  1. Lay the pineapple on its side on the cutting board.
  2. Hold the pineapple firmly and use a sharp chef's knife to cut off the leafy crown (top) about half an inch below the leaves.

Trim the Base

  1. Stand the pineapple upright on the flat, cut end.
  2. Trim off the bottom of the pineapple, just enough to remove the tough, fibrous base.

Peel the Pineapple

  1. Place the pineapple on its side again.
  2. Starting from the top where the crown was, make vertical cuts downwards, following the natural curvature of the pineapple to remove the peel in strips.
  3. Ensure you remove all the 'eyes' (the brown spots) from the surface.

Remove the Core

  1. If you prefer, use a pineapple corer to remove the tough core. Place the corer over the center of the pineapple and twist it down through the fruit.
  2. Alternatively, slice the pineapple into quarters lengthwise, then cut out the tough core from each quarter.

Slice or Dice

  1. Once peeled and cored, lay the pineapple flat on the cutting board.
  2. Slice it crosswise into rounds or cut it into chunks or spears, depending on your preference and how you plan to use it.

We hope these pineapple mocktails add a touch of tropical delight to your summer gatherings. Whether you're celebrating a baby shower or simply craving a refreshing drink, pineapple mocktails are a delicious and nutritious choice for moms-to-be. Stay hydrated, stay healthy, and enjoy the journey!

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