The Birth Partner's Playbook: How To Be The Best Birth Partner

September 24, 2023

Author -

Claudia Sandino

Remember, you've got this, and you're an essential part of this incredible experience. Your love, presence, and support will make all the difference in the world. πŸ’–πŸ‘ΆπŸŒŸ

Hey there, amazing birth partners! It's go-time, and you've got a crucial role to play in this incredible journey. Let's dive into some super helpful tips to rock your supporting role like a pro. Get ready to learn some incredible ways to be the ultimate support system for your partner in birth during the big day, labor and birth. We're talking about becoming the birth side hero she deserves, so let's dive in!

Be the Rock She Needs

‍Labor can be intense, and your partner might feel like she's riding an emotional rollercoaster. Your role? Be her rock! Hold her hand, offer soothing words, and remind her how amazing she's doing. Your unwavering presence is everything. Be the Ultimate Cheerleader! Your partner is the star of this show, and you're their biggest fan. Encourage and praise them every step of the way. Your words of love and support mean the world (and they produce the brain chemicals we want to make more of during labor).

Stay Cool, Calm, and Collected

‍Birth can be intense, but your calm presence can work wonders. Take deep breaths, stay composed, and radiate positivity. Your energy is contagious. Watching the person you love feel pain is not easy and we are there with you. If you need take a moment for yourself to feel more calm, step outside and then come back inside when you are ready to be there for her in more calm way. Just as you would stay off your phone if you were in a meeting with your boss, show your labor partner the same respect. We understand updating loved ones, and maybe even getting on the phone to speak to someone calming to help you cope, but please stay off your phone if you are just going to be scrolling. ‍

Brush Up on Birth Knowledge

‍Take some time to understand the stages of labor, pain relief options, and her birth plan. This way, you can confidently advocate for her preferences and offer informed support. Brush up on birth basics. Know the birth plan, pain relief options, and your partner's preferences. Knowledge is your superpower. Brush up on birth basics. Know the birth plan, pain relief options, and your partner's preferences. Knowledge is your superpower. This is definitely a conversation you want to have with your pregnant counterpart so that you know exactly what they want from you and you know exactly how to show up even when things go unplanned.

Create a Calm Environment

‍Transform the birthing space into a serene oasis. Dim the lights, play some calming music, and have her favorite snacks on hand. The more relaxed she feels, the smoother the journey. Keep water and snacks on hand. Labor can be a marathon, and you both need to stay fueled and hydrated.

Be Her Voice

Sometimes, the intensity of labor can make communication challenging. Step up and be her voice when she can't express her needs clearly. Speak up to the healthcare team if necessary, ensuring her wishes are respected. Be the Advocate! Your voice is their voice, and your support is unwavering.

Offer Physical Comfort

‍Gentle massages, cool compresses, and back rubs can work wonders. Ask her what feels best and be ready to provide that comforting touch. Practice these beforehand, my doula and my birth partner took turns helping me on the birthing ball with cool compresses. Labor is an intimate event, get as intimate as you want with your partner to help them produce those happy brain chemicals that help us relax and cope with contractions. Labor is the ultimate expression of love, the more this moment feels like this, the better your pregnant counterpart will feel no matter what comes her way.

Stay Hydrated and Nourished

I know we mentioned this but this is very important. You're in this for the long haul, so don't forget to take care of yourself too. Stay hydrated and keep snacks on hand to keep your energy up. Rest when she is not in active labor so that you can show up for her when she needs you most. You're a superhero too, after all!

Be Flexible and Supportive

‍Birth can be unpredictable, and plans may change. Stay flexible and supportive, no matter what curveballs come your way. Your adaptability will be greatly appreciated. Your positivity, encouragement, love and support are all we want.

Capture the Moments

If it feels right, document the special moments with photos or videos. These memories will be cherished forever. I had my sister in the room to take the pressure off of my birthing partner when it came to documenting. Have a conversation with your partner and find out how important this is for her and what she would like captured, so you are prepared to do it yourself or maybe ask someone for support. ‍

Celebrate Together

‍Once your little one makes their grand entrance, take a moment to celebrate as a family. This is the beginning of an incredible journey, and your support has been the foundation for this beautiful moment. The love will be overflowing, I am crying just writing this as I am thinking about that moment for you because I know how emotional it was for me and my partner.

Pamper Your Partner

‍After the birth, offer a comforting shower, a warm meal, or just a loving embrace. Your partner deserves all the TLC.

In this video, we are sharing some invaluable labor tips for birth partners. Discover how to be the absolute best birth partner and provide unwavering support to your wife during this incredible journey of labor and delivery. I am all about sharing information in a way that is best processed by that person, so If videos work better than reading a blog here is a Video and a Podcast you can check out. Feel free to check it out for yourself, find one that resonates with you better, or share this with a birth partner you know that will need this information. Remember, you're a superhero too, and your role is vital. Your love, support, and presence make all the difference in this beautiful journey into parenthood. πŸŒŸπŸ‘ΆπŸ’–


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