
Health and Wellness

How to Choose the Best Prenatal with FullWell

May 22, 2024

Author -

Melissa Iftimie

Choosing the right prenatal can be daunting. Not anymore! We’ve teamed up with the nutrition experts at FullWell to transform the prenatal experience from overwhelming to empowering. Good nutrition does that!

When we are pregnant, postpartum and nursing, our bodies have extra needs! Yeah, we’re talking about extra foot rubs and extra nutrients! Choosing the right vitamin in our fertility journey is crucial for our health as a mom and baby’s development. This stuff gets complicated, so we turned to our mom friends at FullWell. They also happen to be nutrition experts (yes, registered dietitians) and fertility champions. This guide will help you understand what prenatal vitamins are, why they are important, and what key nutrients you should look for when you make your choice. This is all you need to know to pick the best prenatal vitamin for you. 

What are prenatal vitamins?

Prenatal vitamins are supplements designed to support a healthy pregnancy by providing the essential nutrients that you may not get from the food you eat. These vitamins help ensure the proper development of baby and support mom’s wellbeing during pregnancy too. It takes a lot of work to grow a baby! 

A lot of people think you just take prenatals when you’re pregnant. IRL, you should take them when you are TTC, pregnant, in the fourth trimester or those lovely postpartum days and as long as you are nursing. This is a long time! 

Key nutrients to pay extra attention to 

Not all prenatal vitamins are created equal. When making your choice, you need to look at the label. The text is small, but it’s worth the read. We want to call out a few nutrients for you and how to spot them on the label. 


Folate is vital for supporting healthy neural tube development in  baby’s brain and spine.* It also supports  baby's heart, growth and more.* Pay close attention here and watch out for folate’s synthetic form called folic acid which is harder for our bodies to absorb compared to natural forms of folate.


90-95% of pregnant moms don’t consume enough choline! Choline is also critical for brain development and neural tube formation, but it’s not as commonly known as folate.* It also helps the placenta do its thing.* 

Vitamin B12

Research shows that B12 intake in pregnancy should be triple the current Recommended Daily Amount (RDA). B12 promotes healthy, full-term pregnancy, supports neural tube formation and supports baby’s long-term motor development.* 


Most prenatal vitamins contain little magnesium, despite its importance because it is ‘bulky’- read - it drives up the number of capsules per serving. It does many things, including promoting better sleep, supporting mood, aiding digestion and may even help ease nausea.*


Calcium supports the normal formation of baby’s nervous and circulatory systems.* Plus, it supports musculoskeletal system development.* 

Vitamin D

Vitamin D is another powerhouse nutrient. It supports growth and skeletal development, promotes healthy blood pressure levels and fortifies  baby’s immune system.* Vitamin D deficiency is another common one across all geographic locations, races, sexes and genders. 


The World Health Organization recommends 250mcg of supplemental iodine in pregnancy since pregnant and breastfeeding moms need more than normal. This one is required for normal thyroid function, protects endocrine health, and supports breastmilk production.*


One-third of pregnant moms develop biotin deficiency even with adequate dietary intake. It helpssupport metabolism of fatty acids, glucose, and amino acids, plus it helps with gene regulation and cell signaling.* 


Iron is an essential mineral, mostly used by red blood cells and it helps deliver oxygen throughout your body.* Some prenatals include iron and some do not. This is because there is a sweet spot for iron and getting the right amount depending on your body and what you eat. Taking iron separately from your prenatal also helps avoid interfering with the absorption of other vital nutrients.


DHA and EPA, two omega-3 fatty acids, play a big role in supporting babies growth and brain development and mom’s mood late in pregnancy and into postpartum.*  However, there are some concerns with adding it to a prenatal, particularly around the stability of mixing oils and powders.

Quality and Safety Considerations

Purity is paramount. In 2015, The New York State Attorney General’s Office removed store brand supplements from the shelves of supplement retailers like GNC, Walmart, Walgreens, and Target after they were found to be packed with fraudulent — and in some cases hazardous — ingredients (like asparagus powder and house plants). In addition, many of the supplements didn't even contain what they said they contained at all! Can you believe it?! 

The supplement industry is highly regulated regarding supplement safety. However, the organizations that police it are often overwhelmed and overworked. This means that there is often a degree of self-policing that brands need to do to uphold these standards, and this is something FullWell takes seriously. Make sure you pick a prenatal that has undergone third party testing and is transparent about the results.

Meet FullWell: Your Trusted Nutrition Guide through Motherhood

When it comes to choosing a prenatal vitamin, who better to trust than a mom who's not only been through it all, but also happens to be a nutrition expert? Ayla, the heart and brains behind FullWell, is a Registered Dietitian with a deep understanding of the unique nutritional needs of moms-to-be. She founded FullWell out of a desire to fill the gaps she saw in prenatal and fertility care. If you can’t find something that meets your standards, create it! She's your go-to for making this complex journey simpler and healthier. Here’s what we learned from Ayla:

You want a Registered Dietitian to create your supplements

Imagine giving your body exactly what it needs during pregnancy. That’s what FullWell brings to the table—prenatal vitamins formulated by dietitians and supported by OBGYNs to ensure you and your baby get the best.

Not all forms of nutrients are created equal

From folate to magnesium, FullWell prenatal packs in those vital nutrients often skimped on by others. They make sure you’re covered from preconception through postpartum and breastfeeding, making each stage as nourishing as possible. Every nutrient that gets packed into their Prenatal is there for a reason. 

They left some things out, on purpose

Ayla looks to the science. Iron isn’t in the prenatal because it can interfere with the absorption of some nutrients. DHA and EPA are also missing, on purpose. FullWell separates their fish oil from their prenatal because these formulas have different rates of oxidation. It would severely impact the quality of each to combine them, which is why you should be wary of supplements that claim to be “all in one” in this regard.

They’re setting the new standard 

FullWell’s unyielding dedication to scientific innovation and unparalleled quality have put them at the forefront of the fertility nutrition scene. They don't just follow the rules – they set new standards by getting every batch of their product checked by independent third-party labs. They are all about going the extra mile to ensure that what you receive is well below the strictest safety standards for harmful contaminants—heavy metals included. Each formula is also verified to ensure the right amount of active ingredients for the best results possible. This means you’re getting exactly what’s on the label. And they share those results with anyone who cares to look!

If you want to learn more about your prenatal, FullWell has the knowledge

Ayla believes that knowledge is power, especially when it comes to your body. FullWell empowers you with all the info you need to understand the why behind what you're taking. They make the small text on the vitamin labels big through easy-to-understand resources.

FullWell’s commitment is more than just vitamins

It’s not just about what’s in the pill; it’s about the bigger picture: our planet. FullWell is dedicated to the health of our planet too. They work tirelessly to find sustainable packaging solutions and partner with organizations like 4ocean to help clean up our oceans.

Go Choose Your Prenatal Companion

With FullWell, you’re not just picking a prenatal vitamin; you’re choosing a partner in your journey to motherhood. Ayla and her team make sure that you feel confident and informed every step of the way. They're like your mom squad, armed with scientific knowledge and a whole lot of heart.

* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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