

How to Change a Diaper

May 29, 2024

Author -

Melissa Iftimie

First time mom, dad or grandma? Keep everyone in the village on the same page with our favorite tips on how to change a diaper.

Ready to change a diaper? Don't worry, babies go through a lot of diapers so there is time to prefect this skill. Now that's something everyone in the village needs to learn.

How Many Diapers Do I Need?

Expect to change your baby 8-10 times a day for the first month. So, in the first month get ready for about 280 diapers. After that the number of diapers you need goes down to about 5-8.

You'll go through about 3,000 diapers in baby's first year.

What’s that Yellow Line?

It’s the strip to let you know if the diaper is wet! When it turns blue you know it is dirty.

What’s a Blow Out?

As the phrase might suggest, a blow out is when the diaper cannot hold the poop and it gets everywhere. You will see leaks in different places, usually up the back or out the leg. If this happens consistently it might be time to size up that diaper. 

Another tip: Fold the back strip down before you put this on your baby.

For Brand New Babies: Fold Down the Front to Protect the Umbilical Cord

It will take a couple weeks for the stub of your baby’s umbilical cord to fall off and reveal that cute belly button. In the meantime, make sure the diaper doesn’t rub up against the umbilical cord stub. You can protect the diaper from rubbing it by folding down the front. Or, some newborn diapers have a little cut out.

Line Up the Tabs

When you put the tabs on the sides there are little markers to aim for. 

Do You Have a Boy?

Before you take the diaper off, hold it in place and take your wet wipe and wipe below the belly button. When boys feel the air, sometimes that makes them pee! 

Keep that wipe over his little part so you don’t get sprayed in the face. 

Make sure you point his little part downward and not up, otherwise you’ll get a wet baby!

Another Tip to Prevent Leaks

You want to make sure that the diaper is fluffed out at the legs. 

If You Use Cream or Balm, Make Sure the Booty is Dry

Don’t wipe with a wet wipe and then put balm or cream immediately on top of it. Because what you’re doing is holding the moisture on the skin and that can cause more irritation and rash. 

Wipe the booty, then fan it with another diaper or your hand until it’s nice and dry. Then put balm or cream on.

Note, you only need to use cream if you see a rash or redness.

If You Need to Deal with a Blow Out (It WILL happen)

Here are some blowout management tips from the parents at Villie: 

  • Ask for help. If someone else is nearby, call for an extra hand. 
  • If you need to, baby onesies are designed to slip off from the shoulders (not just over the head) so you don’t have to get poop near baby’s face.
  • Remember potty training will happen eventually.
  • Rinse off the clothing and spray with stain remover. 
  • If you wash the clothes and the stain is still there, do not dry it. Try another round in the washer.
  • Maybe it’s someone else’s turn to change the baby. 😜
  • It's time to size up!

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