

Grandma Goals - GoGo Katie Couric

March 24, 2024

Author -

Melissa Iftimie

Welcome to Grandma-hood, Katie Couric! Read about her new name and some special advice to other new GoGos.

Katie Couric gained a new title this weekend. On Saturday March 23 she became a grandma!  According to announcement on her website, Katie shared some tips for other newly minted and about to be Grandmas...

Get Ready to Enjoy Every Grandma Moment

“I am so excited to watch Baby Jay go through all the stages — smiling, crawling, walking, talking — and to see the world unfold through the eyes of a child. I’m going to try to enjoy every moment. It’s so true what they say: The days are long, but the years are short. As a grandparent, I’m hoping the years will be long! The “grand” in front of “mother” makes me keenly aware that time is precious.” 

There is So Much to Do!

“I can’t wait to take him to the beach, the library, get an ice cream cone, bring him to his first Broadway show. I’m going to spoil this kid rotten and not worry about it. We are going to have to make a lot of trips to the West Coast — but thank goodness for FaceTime.” 

Pick Your Grandma Name + Get Yourself a Sweater

“For now, I am Gogo. My sister’s nickname is Kiki, so I couldn’t choose that. I felt like everyone is Gigi — and while that was going to be my name, I decided on Gogo after a friend told me that was what she used. I also learned that’s what Babe Paley’s grandchildren called her. (Unfortunately, if you watched Capotevs. the Swans, she wasn’t a very good mother or grandmother!) Plus, it seemed fitting, because I’m like the Energizer Bunny, always on the go-go. I had a Lingua Franca sweater embroidered with “Gigi” but I changed the i’s to o’s, so for now, Gogo it is. But this boy can call me whatever he wants.”

Need some inspiration for other grandma names? Check out our list of 75+ grammy names.

Congratulations, Gogo Katie!

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