
Gender Reveal

Gender Reveal Parties Gone Wrong

Author -

Kimberly Jolasun

Here’s our top “don’t do this” list of gender reveals gone wrong, and some better ideas for how to plan your gender reveal with an equal amount of excitement.

Gender reveals, done well, are fun and safe for everyone. But sometimes, things just don’t go as planned, or are planned poorly. Ready to see what you’re not supposed to do? Read on.

No confetti or glitter

If you’ve ever accidentally spilled confetti or glitter you know what a pain it is to clean up. And if it spills outside it sticks around for a long long time. Please don’t pollute the parks where your party is held. We have to be kind to all beings while celebrating new life!

A better alternative: Paper confetti cannons - yes! It’s just as nice and is biodegradable.

Say No to a gender reveal burnout 

Rigging an exhaust pipe to blow out colored smoke seems cool but runs the risk of causing the car to catch fire. They actually make gender reveal burnout kits - tempting, but please don’t go there! 

A better alternative: Gender reveal smoke cannons

Explosives – Please no

Are you feeling pressure to reveal your baby’s gender with a big bang? Using explosives is just a bad idea. First off, there is a high risk of serious injury to you or someone attending your party by the explosion or materials you are blowing up. And second, you could start a real wildfire. Here’s a sad fact for you, fires from gender reveal games gone wrong have destroyed over 50,000 acres - that’s twice the size of DisneyWorld.

The best alternative: Gender reveal smoke cannons, or our DIY gender reveal box.

Planes - seriously?

I can’t believe we need to mention this one - please don’t use an airplane for your gender reveal. In 2019, a plane crashed after performing one. Yikes.

This gut wrenching video of a fatal plane crash in 2023  in Mexico breaks our hearts.

An alternative: anything else! How about a balloon pop?

Bottom line: Be safe - for you, your guests and the planet! 

We promise you can be safe and have a great time, with no compromises! 

Ready for more gender reveal ideas? 

We’ve got lots of other resources to help you get planning your perfect gender reveal. 

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