Motherhood is not one size fits all; it’s custom-fit. Defy the lies, trust yourself, and embrace your truth. Here’s how to navigate the myths, lean on your village, and find what works for you.
The Lie: Moms are told they’ll never have time for themselves again.
The Truth: You do have time—you just have to prioritize it.
Motherhood is about prioritization. Whether it’s taking a shower, going for a walk, or sneaking away for a manicure, what matters most is what you decide to prioritize.
Kendall from Villie shares:
“I showered every single day after my baby was born. Why? Because I prioritized it. When I felt ready to leave the house, I got my nails done—and I made time for it.”
Use your village to create space for you. A Villie Baby Page is the perfect way to organize help:
The Lie: You must buy all the gadgets and toys.
The Truth: Your baby doesn’t need everything Instagram says they do.
Babies are born minimalists. They need you, not a room filled with overpriced toys and unnecessary gadgets.
Instead of filling your registry with items you might not need, use your Villie Baby Page to ask for exactly what works for you. You can:
The Lie: Breastfeeding is easy, and it’s the only way to feed your baby.
The Truth: Feeding is a unique journey for every family.
No two feeding journeys are alike. Some moms have a surplus of milk; others may struggle to produce enough. What matters is that your baby is fed and you’re mentally and physically well.
Melissa from Villie shares:
“I did it all—breastfed, pumped, and used formula. It was hard, but I found a routine that worked for me.”
Lean on your village for feeding support:
The Lie: Becoming a mom means losing your identity.
The Truth: You’re still you—just a more evolved version.
Tip: You don’t have to mourn the old you. Celebrate the new you.
Motherhood enhances who you are; it doesn’t erase you. You’re still the same person—just stronger, more resilient, and more amazing.
Kim from Villie shares:
“I’m not a new me. I’m a better me. Motherhood didn’t erase me; it leveled me up.”
Let your village remind you of you. Use your Villie Baby Page to:
The Lie: Motherhood is isolating, and you have to do it all by yourself.
The Truth: You’re never alone—your village is there for you.
Tip: Build your support system before you have the baby and ask for help—it takes a village for a reason.
Motherhood can feel isolating, but it doesn’t have to be. Your partner, family, friends, and even your neighbors can be your biggest cheerleaders if you let them.
How Your Village Can Help:
Lean on your free Villie Baby Page to stay connected:
Every mom’s journey is unique. These “lies” may resonate with you—or they may not. What’s important is finding your truth. Motherhood isn’t about meeting societal expectations; it’s about doing what works for your family and embracing the amazing person you already are.
Motherhood isn’t meant to be done alone. Use your free Villie Baby Page to help navigate this incredible journey:
Ready to focus on what matters most? Your Villie Baby Page is just a click away.
Motherhood doesn’t have to be defined by myths or societal expectations. It’s your journey, and you get to write the rules. Defy the lies, trust your instincts, and celebrate the amazing mom you are. You’ve got this! 💜